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The SRBR was formed to: Promote advancement of basic and applied research in all aspects of biological rhythms; Disseminate the important results of that research among scientists, to the agencies that fund research and to the general public; Enhance the education and training of students and researchers in the field and; Foster interdisciplinary communication; Provide an environment for the exchange of ideas during scheduled scientific sessions at the biennial meetings, as well as during informal gatherings.
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The EBRS aims to promote chronobiology and chronomedicine. Its scientific goal is to study the circadian/seasonal organizations and mechanisms in a vertical approach that integrates molecular, cellular, system-physiological, behavioral and medical aspects. The EBRS was established in Frankfurt am Main on September 4, 2005 as successor to the European Pineal and Biological Rhythms Society and the European Pineal Study group founded in Amsterdam in 1978.
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The ISC was founded in 1937 in Ronneby, Sweden, under the name of "Societas pro Studio Rhytmi Biologici." In 1971, its name was changed to the current one, and contributes to advances in the applied and basic domains of chronobiology
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A global association aimed at striving to promote education, knowledge and understanding in the field of Chronobiology
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The SLTBR was founded in 1988 and is a meeting point for basic and clinical researchers focusing on light therapy, melatonin, and other chronotherapeutic applications.
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This group is interested in a wide variety of cycles including meteorological, biological, and economic cycles; membership has included figures relevant to the history of chronobiology