Categories starting with E
Engelmann Collection (143)
Items starting with E Files
Early and late subjective night phases of the Drosophila pseudoobscura circadian rhythm require different energies of blue light for phase shifting
Chandrashekaran, M. K., W. Engelmann
Evidence for similar biochemical requirements for bioluminescence among the coelenterates
Cormier, M. J., K. Hori, Y. D. Karkhanis, J. M. Anderson, J. E. Wampler, J.G. Morin, J. W. Hastings
Endosymbiotic bioluminescent bacteria from the light organ of pony fish.
Hastings, J.W., G. Mitchell
Extraocular light perception in photoperiodic responses of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and of the golden-crowned sparrow (Z. atricapilla)
Gwinner, E., F. W. Turek, S.D. Smith
Extraretinal light perception: entrainment of the biological clock controlling lizard locomotor activity
Underwood, H., M. Menaker