Engelmann Collection Archive
Works by/related to Wolfgang Engelmann
Engelmann Collection Files
Effects of tetraethyl-ammonium chloride (TEA), vanadate, and alkali ions on the lateral leaflet movement rhythm of Desmodium motorium (Houtt.) Murr
Weber, U., W. Engelmann, W. E. Mayer
Effects of vanadate, N2 and light on the membrane potential of motor cells and the lateral leaflet movement in Desmodium motorium
Antkowiak, B., W. Engelmann, R. Herbjornsen, A. Johnsson
Blind cytochrome b mutant of yeast can still be synchronized to 24 hour temperature cycles
Kippert, F., W. Engelmann, H. Ninnemann
Oscillations of the membrane potential of pulvinar motor cells in situ in relation to leaflet movements of Desmodium motorium
Antkowiak, B., W. E. Mayer, W. Engelmann
Photosynchronization of the circadian clock of Schizosaccharomyces pombe: Mitochondrial cytochrome b is an essential component. Curr. Gen. 19, 103-107 (K8)
Kippert, F., W. Engelmann, H. Ninnemann
Thalassomyxa australis rhythmicity V: Synchronization by light-dark-cycles depends on temperature and food organism
Landsbeck, B., W. Engelmann
Blue light both synchronizes and inhibits growth of Schizosaccharomyces pombe at low temperatures
Kippert, F., W. Engelmann, H. Ninnemann
Leaf movements in nyctinastic plants as hands of the biological clock
Johnsson, A., W. Engelmann, B. Antkowiak
Localization of the circadian pacemakers of Hemideina thoracica (Orthoptera; Stenopelmatidae)
Waddel, B., R. D. Lewis, W. Engelmann
A circadian clock controls the cell division cycle of Schizosaccharomyces pombe growing at low temperature
Kippert, F., W. Engelmann