Gwinner Collection Archive
Works by/related to Eberhard Gwinner
Gwinner Collection Files
Circadian organization in birds: different pacemakers for feeding and locomotor activity rhythms?
Ebihara, S., E. Gwinner
Twenty-four hour melatonin profiles in a nocturnally migrating bird during and between migratory seasons
Gwinner, E., I. Schwabl-Benzinger, H. Schwabl, J. Dittami
Circadian entrainment by feeding cycles in house sparrows,Passer domesticus
Hau, M., E. Gwinner
Corticosterone levels of passerine birds during migratory flight
Gwinner, E., M. Zeman, I. Schwabl-Benzinger, S. Jenni-Eiermann, L. Jenni, H. Schwabl
Development of melatonin rhythm in the pineal gland and eyes of chick embryo
Zeman, M., E. Gwinner, E. Somogyiová
Different circadian pacemakers control feeding and locomotor activity rhythms in European starlings
Ebihara, S., E. Gwinner
The effect of pinealectomy on circadian plasma melatonin levels in house sparrows and European starlings
Janik, D., J. Dittami, E. Gwinner
The migratory time program of the garden warbler: Is there compensation for interruptions?
Gwinner, E., H. Schwabl, I. Schwabl-Benzinger
Basal and stress-induced corticosterone levels of garden warblers, Sylvia borin, during migration
Schwabl, H., F. Bairlein, E. Gwinner