Gwinner Collection Archive
Works by/related to Eberhard Gwinner
Gwinner Collection Files
Effects of nestboxes on LH, testosterone, testicular size, and the reproductive behavior on male European starlings in spring
Gwinner, H., E. Gwinner, J. Dittami
Haltung, Zucht und Eiaufzucht afrikanischer und europäischer Schwarzkehlchen Saxicola torquata
Gwinner, E., V. Neusser, D. Engl, D. Schmidl, L. Bals
Effects of females and nestboxes on the reproductive condition of male European starlings,Sturnus vulgaris, during the breeding cyle
Dittami, J., J. Wozniak, G. Gänshirt, M. Hall, E. Gwinner